Inside the Champion Facility in Chandler, Arizona
Picture a large manufacturing plant with approximately 20 to 25 workstations on an assembly line. To ensure that the craftsmen working the line have access to what they need to get the job done effectively and efficiently, tools, jigs, tables and material-handling equipment are all within easy reach.
In addition to the assembly line, there are multiple worktables in the plant where smaller components are constructed. These worktables deliver items to the assembly line with the aid of overhead crane systems. Each station has the tools and equipment needed to complete the work within the station … again delivering the effectiveness and efficiency that’s become a Champion Homes hallmark.

Building a “Champion” Step-by-step
Observing the activity in the manufacturing plant, you witness a measured and methodical approach perfected over decades.
A roller system moves each module down the assembly line, where components such as exterior walls, interior walls and roofs are installed.
Painting comes next, followed by cabinet, door, window and fixture installation. Systems such as plumbing and electrical are completed and tested. Interior and exterior finishes are applied.
Rigorous quality audits of the modules are conducted throughout these steps. In-house inspectors and third-party federal or state inspectors conduct the audits to confirm that each home exceeds the appropriate building code. How rigorous? Each Champion manufactured home must pass 100 inspection steps conducted by Quality Control Specialists!